CBDCs | "When You Look At Vaccine Refusers, We'll Just Get Rid of All of the White In the United States." - Carol Baker (Chair of the CDC Advisory Committee On Immunization Appointed By President Obama)
COVID-19 Shots | "Before COVID-19 Vaccines There Were 4 Cases of Myocarditis Per Million. The Current Estimates Are Now 25,000 Cases Per Million, Myocarditis Is Due To the COVID-19 Vaccines Until Proven Otherwise." - Dr. Peter McCullough
CBDCs | "Why Not Mandate the Vaccine? People Who Don't Get Vaccinated And Then Go Out Without Masks Are No Different Than Drunk Drivers." - Doctor Mike Wasserman, M.D. + "The Pfizer Vaccine Reverse Transcribes & Installs DNA Into t
CBDC | "How Do You Snap the Last Part of the Coral In Place w/ CBDCs & Vaccine Passports? You Don't Say Oh We're Snapping a Control Grid In Place Because We Want to Take Away Your Assets, We Want to Take Away Your Freedoms." - Cath