1 year ago"Some people God has given ten talents, he may have only given you two and a half."The Bible Bashed Podcast
2 years agoDecember 17 – AA Meeting - Daily Reflections - Alcoholics Anonymous - Read AlongRecoveredNotCured
2 years agoJust for Today 6-25 - Not just lucky - #jftguy #justfortoday #jftJust For Today - Recovery and Sobriety
2 years agoCHARLES COLEMAN - “AMERICA’S TOXIC POLICE FORCE, EXCESSIVE FORCE USED AGAINST BLACKS & BLACK LATINO MEN MURDERED SHOT & KILLED” 🕎 Zechariah 11:5 “Whose possessors slay them, and hold themselves not guilty”RoyaltyLordPrinceShamiyah144
2 years agoJust for Today 6-4 - Build , Don't Destroy #jftguy #justfortoday #jftJust For Today - Recovery and Sobriety
1 month agoTUCKER: “A real man is a cheerful man, and he’s cheerful because he's brave."Question EverythingVerified
3 years agoBad Habit- The Dresden Dolls- mastered- (audio studio) ( lyrics in description )Alverdewords