16 days agoThere are Tables YOU need to remove yourself from, because those people only want what You offer!drock5690
1 month agoGod will DO what he has promised to do in your life, in front of those who tried to DEFEAT You!drock5690
14 days agoYou are UNSTOPPABLE, and NOTHING that can stop YOU from doing what GOD placed in your heart!drock5690
26 days agoThere is a BLESSING attached to your sacrificial giving to God through your worship to him, and Joy!drock5690
2 years agoDirect Sown Spinach Sprouts Update - 3-15-22 Sown, 3-29-22 UpdatePhilly Garden's In WVVerified
3 months agoThe Wicked will have JUDGEMENT come upon them, because of their MISTREATMENT of God's People!drock5690
1 month agoYou can withstand anything YOU come up against when your TRUST is in the LORD Jesus!drock5690
3 months agoGodliness will Keep YOU from Walking in your old Lifestyle of Sin, and to walk in your calling!drock5690
1 month agoBeware of People misleading YOU with their TEACHING of the BIBLE with what the WORD actually SAYS!drock5690
2 months agoRepentance is a HEART to Heart Moment with the LORD, and NOT a slam the gavel down Moment!drock5690
2 months agoThe WORD of GOD should be treasured in your HEART, and will match your LOVE for Jesus!drock5690
3 months agoA home with Biblical Teaching according to the WORD will produce authentic lifestyle Christianity!drock5690
1 month agoThe Wealth Transfer in the EARTH must come from JERUSALEM, and Not a Man-Made System!drock5690
24 days agoYou can give your all to God with the talents You have, but it means nothing without LOVE!drock5690