Yuval Noah Harari | "With New Generation of AI's They Can Create Intimacy. They Can Hold Conversations With Us, They Can Pretend to Be Humans. This Can Create a Totalitarian System That Even Orwell Couldn't Imagine."
Yuval Noah Harari | "You Could Have An Inter-Brain Net. If You Can Connect Also Brains & Computers Directly, Why Can't We Then Connect An Inter-Brain Net? Which Connects Lots of Brains?"
CRISPR | Jennifer Doudna | Why Is Jennifer Doudna Stating At the World Economic Forum, "Imagine That We Had a Tool Where We Could Fix Mutations In Actual DNA, a Text Editor for DNA and Cells?"
Zach Vorhies | "What I Found Was There Really Was An All Encompassing Conspiracy To Transition Our Society From What It Was And What We've Grown Accustomed To, To This New Form."
King Charles | The Great Reset | "After 50 Years of Trying to Champion This Cause Finally We Are Willing to Change Our Trajectory. We Need a Vast Military Style Campaign...With Trillions As HIS Disposal far Beyond Global GDP."