1 year ago🤔 How come it’s okay? #environmentalist #borderwall #buildthewall #climatechange #illegalimmigrantsDocReichenbach
1 year ago🤔 How come it’s okay? #politics #politicians #congress #backdoor #backdoordeals #secretsDocReichenbach
1 year ago🤔 How come it’s okay? #adoption #adoptionjourney #fostercare #fosterparent #abuse #orphanDocReichenbach
1 year ago🤔 How come it’s okay? #juststopoil #juststopplastic #plasticpollution #oilprotesters #congressDocReichenbach
1 year agoDouble Standard: How come it’s okay for Arab nationa to support Palestine yet take no refugees?DocReichenbach
1 year ago🤔 How come it’s okay? #gunban #firearms #gunsafety #firearmssafety #2a #secondamendmentDocReichenbach
1 year ago🤔 How come it’s okay? #leftwing #climate #climatechange #climateextremists #paperstrawsDocReichenbach
1 year ago“The Climate Solution” Double Standard: How come it’s not okay to leave climate protesters glued?DocReichenbach
1 year ago“The Epstein List” Double Standard: How come it’s okay for Ghislaine Maxwell to rot in prison?DocReichenbach
1 year ago🤔 How come it’s okay? #youngpeople #genz #health #cardiology #cardiacarrest #heartattack #medicalDocReichenbach
1 year ago🤔 How come it’s okay? #liberals #liberalstate #oregon #legislation #badpolicy #legalizationDocReichenbach
1 year ago🤔 How come it’s okay? #transparency #funding #traffickingawarenes #childsafety #followthemoneyDocReichenbach
1 year ago🤔 How come it’s okay? #democrats #ghetto #crime #lowincome #socialprograms #badneighborhoodDocReichenbach
1 year ago🤔 How come it’s okay? #transgender #popstar #pop #kimpetras #germany #lgbt #childrenDocReichenbach
1 year ago🇺🇸 Say NO to “American Democracy” #americandemocracy #democracy #usconstitutionDocReichenbach
1 year ago🤔 How come it’s okay? #california #gunban #2a #2ndammendment #secondamendment #gunrightsDocReichenbach
1 year ago“The ATF/CIA/FBI Double Standard” How come it’s okay for them to raid disabled veterans.DocReichenbach
1 year ago“Changing Gun Laws” Double Standard: How come it’s okay for the ATF to change rules to change laws?DocReichenbach
1 year ago“The Hamas Hostages” Double Standard: How come it’s okay for Hamas to build their HQ.DocReichenbach
1 year ago🤔 How come it’s okay? #congress #georgesantos #georgesantosliar #senate #bobmenendez #politicsDocReichenbach
1 year ago🤔 How come it’s okay? #congress #georgesantos #georgesantosliar #senate #bobmenendez #politicsDocReichenbach