Jill Biden congratulates 81 years old Joe like a child after the debate: "Joe, you did such a great job! You answered every question! You knew all the facts!"
Biden just told donors that he nearly fell asleep during the debate because of all his international travel — despite having a week of rest at Camp David, including a daily nap time. CNN: "I find it a little bit puzzling."
MSNBC host worries that the debate is unfair to Joe Biden because our expectations for him are so high: "The bar for Biden is so much higher. Trump's bar is literally: Is he alive? Is he standing? Are the words coming out?"
NBC: What happens if you have another uhdahhnuhhghuh-like episode we saw during the debate? Biden: "What happened uhdahhnuhhghuh?" NBS repeats the question. Biden: "I don't plan to uhdahhnuhhghuh." NBC: All right.