2 years ago🦊Naming a Wild Urban Fox - How a friendly urban fox came to be called AJAX (not Amsterdam or Troy !)Ajaxtheurbanfox
2 years ago🦊Friendly urban #fox -another livestream test - quality issues on the wifi .....we keep trying !Ajaxtheurbanfox
2 years ago🦊Friendly urban #fox Ajax is cold, wet dirty and hungry and it's pouring down with rain - bless her.Ajaxtheurbanfox
2 years ago🦊Friendly urban #fox Ajax is on an egg & raw chicken feast as needs a vixen who recently gave birthAjaxtheurbanfox
2 years ago🦊Urban #fox and new mother Ajax comes for her nightly scoff of Lidl #dog food - from 3 months agoAjaxtheurbanfox
2 years ago🦊 Ajax is mad she nicked some ropey thing took back to bury with her fave cub in the #foxy play areaAjaxtheurbanfox
2 years ago🦊Friendly urban #fox Ajax on a rare beautiful sunshine spring morning visit to find food.Ajaxtheurbanfox