1. Quick Tip for Families in ICU: How to Avoid Euthanasia in ICU After Tracheostomy!

    Quick Tip for Families in ICU: How to Avoid Euthanasia in ICU After Tracheostomy!

  2. Five Ways to Position Yourself if Your Loved One isn’t Waking Up After an Induced Coma!

    Five Ways to Position Yourself if Your Loved One isn’t Waking Up After an Induced Coma!

  3. Quick tip for families in intensive care: Why hydromorph when someone is on a ventilator in ICU?

    Quick tip for families in intensive care: Why hydromorph when someone is on a ventilator in ICU?

  4. My Sister isn’t Waking Up After Many Weeks in an Induced Coma, How Long Will it Take?

    My Sister isn’t Waking Up After Many Weeks in an Induced Coma, How Long Will it Take?

  5. Quick Tip for Families in ICU: Never Agree to DNR(Do Not Resuscitate) or NFR(Not For Resuscitation)!

    Quick Tip for Families in ICU: Never Agree to DNR(Do Not Resuscitate) or NFR(Not For Resuscitation)!

  6. Worrying About Getting off Ventilator in ICU after CABG Surgery! Quick Tip for Families in ICU!

    Worrying About Getting off Ventilator in ICU after CABG Surgery! Quick Tip for Families in ICU!

  7. My Mother in ICU is Breathing on CPAP& Pressure Support with a Breathing Tube, Can She be Extubated?

    My Mother in ICU is Breathing on CPAP& Pressure Support with a Breathing Tube, Can She be Extubated?

  8. Why Does my Brother Keep Getting Infections in ICU& How To Prevent it! Quick Tip for Families in ICU

    Why Does my Brother Keep Getting Infections in ICU& How To Prevent it! Quick Tip for Families in ICU

  9. My Mother is in ICU with Liver Failure! If Her Heart Stops Should She have CPR?

    My Mother is in ICU with Liver Failure! If Her Heart Stops Should She have CPR?

  10. Why a tracheostomy and ventilation improves the quality of life for MND(motor neuron disease)!

    Why a tracheostomy and ventilation improves the quality of life for MND(motor neuron disease)!

  11. Quick Tip for Families in ICU: What Questions You Need to Ask When You Have a Loved One in ICU!

    Quick Tip for Families in ICU: What Questions You Need to Ask When You Have a Loved One in ICU!

  12. Quick Tip for Families in ICU: Why is there a Delay with Tracheostomy for COVID-19 Patients in ICU?

    Quick Tip for Families in ICU: Why is there a Delay with Tracheostomy for COVID-19 Patients in ICU?

  13. Quick Tip for Families in Intensive Care: Does a Medically Induced Coma Mean Death?

    Quick Tip for Families in Intensive Care: Does a Medically Induced Coma Mean Death?

  14. Quick Tip for Families in ICU: My Husband’s Not Waking Up After Open Heart Surgery! Help!

    Quick Tip for Families in ICU: My Husband’s Not Waking Up After Open Heart Surgery! Help!

  15. Quick Tip for Families in ICU: Can I Sue a hospital ICU to treat my loved one?

    Quick Tip for Families in ICU: Can I Sue a hospital ICU to treat my loved one?

  16. Why a tracheostomy and ventilation improves the quality of life for MND(motor neuron disease)!

    Why a tracheostomy and ventilation improves the quality of life for MND(motor neuron disease)!

  17. Quick Tip for Families in Intensive Care: How to Deal with Setbacks in Intensive Care!

    Quick Tip for Families in Intensive Care: How to Deal with Setbacks in Intensive Care!

  18. Testimonial from Lara, your advice helped to save my husband’s life in ICU with COVID last year!

    Testimonial from Lara, your advice helped to save my husband’s life in ICU with COVID last year!

  19. Quick Tip for Families in ICU: Weaning Off a Ventilator Above the Age of 70, Is it Possible?

    Quick Tip for Families in ICU: Weaning Off a Ventilator Above the Age of 70, Is it Possible?

  20. Quick tip for families in Intensive Care: Is my mother in ICU "unweanable"?

    Quick tip for families in Intensive Care: Is my mother in ICU "unweanable"?

  21. Quick Tip for Families in ICU: Question Everything When Your Loved One is Ventilated in ICU!

    Quick Tip for Families in ICU: Question Everything When Your Loved One is Ventilated in ICU!

  22. Why can't my mother be extubated yet in ICU after a Pneumonia? Quick tip for families in ICU

    Why can't my mother be extubated yet in ICU after a Pneumonia? Quick tip for families in ICU

  23. Quick Tip for Families in ICU: My Husband's Not Waking Up After Open Heart Surgery! Help!

    Quick Tip for Families in ICU: My Husband's Not Waking Up After Open Heart Surgery! Help!

  24. Quick Tip for Families in ICU: 3 Things You Need to Pay Attention to for COVID ARDS in ICU!

    Quick Tip for Families in ICU: 3 Things You Need to Pay Attention to for COVID ARDS in ICU!
