The Awakening Could’ve Happened a Little Faster. JUST SAYING. This Speech Happened and Yet There is Still Denial, or Little to No Comprehension of the Illuminati—MIND BLOWING!
Toxic Positivity Vs. REAL Positivity (Denial/Shadow Vs. Acceptance/Ascension): THE RIGHT WAY to Handle That Which You Don’t Like! — Wendy Kennedy | WE in 5D: Applying This Will Help w/ How You Vibrationally Respond to Videos You Dislike on My Channel.
EVEN Trump’s Comparably Establishment Friends Ask: WTF is He Doing? He Continues to Seek Establishment Approval Against His Own Better 5D Judgement! | WE in 5D Tip: He’s Pinned Between the Illuminati and Self-Serving Poor-Functioning “White Hats”.
Jim Self on Forgiveness & Reconciliation, Your Inner -or- Internal Guidance System, and Free Will Vs. Predetermined Path—Which You Picked via Free Will; AKA “Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?” and “Why has God no Beginning and no End?
Conservatism isn’t Necessarily Enlightenment (in Fact, it Definitely isn’t, as MUCH More is Required, and Conservatism isn’t Even a Requirement), BUT Too Many Spiritual Enlightenment Seekers Would Benefit From Candace Owens’ Advice Here!
Truth Social Takes 3.78 Billion Dollar Lawsuit Against The Washington Post—Perhaps the Source [or Partially Source] of Accidental Bans/Takedowns of Truth Social Accounts!(?) We Shall See How This Goes…
Alex “Off the Deep End” (6/6/23): Inter-Dimensional Beings, Demons, Light Frequencies Your 3rd Dimensional Avatar/Biological Body isn’t Designed to See, Plant Medicine, and More. — #RealTalk for the Final Battle for 5D!
Quicken the Harmony Between You Both by Allowing Them Their Path of Experiential Learning Rather Than Over-Insisting They do it Your Way. ONE [EVEN NO] SUGGESTION IS ENOUGH. | Bashar on Why There’s No Need for That, Nor is it in Their Best Interest!
Fake News, or Actually Real? I Mean, Even if Real, What Person Asks a Young Adult ‘Why Your Dad, is Your Dad Your Superhero?’ That Infantile Babying Question Will Make Most Laugh—When the Truth is Over 50% Probably Can’t Wait to Escape Them!
If Elon Musk Already Has His Chip How Much Artificial, But Fairly Accurate Intelligence and Knowledge of the Future Does He Have.. and How Might He Attempt to Manipulate it JUST Like The Black Hats and So-Called White Hats Use A.I. Themselves for?
EXPLOSION at NYC Con Ed Power Plant! — Get to Where You Need to be BASED on What Your Intuition Reveals to You, NOT NECESSARILY Reports Like This. You’re Being Tested This Era of Aquarius and Those Evolved in Their Psyche, AS REQUIRED, Will Fair Best!
Origins of COUNTRIES on Planet Earth: How the Annunaki Enlil Created Racial, Cultural, and National Division, and Then Reduced Your Lifespan! | Billy Carson #Shorts
So Many Spiritual Teachers Won't Bother with Social Media, NOR the Ever Popular "Petty Tyrants" or "Agent Smiths" in Their Emotional State of Reaction (Many of YOU in the Comments). | Darius J. Wright
The inevitable: You Can be Discerning, But Do Not Over-Judge Yourself for Your Collecting of "Data"! That Data is What Eventually Aligns You with Your Purpose and Better Versions of Yourself. | Phil Good #Shorts