1. Writing Satan's genetic code into human DNA, possibly with the help of mRNA and CRISPR!

    Writing Satan's genetic code into human DNA, possibly with the help of mRNA and CRISPR!

  2. Modification of DNA with an mRNA vaccine is needed for the demons to populate!

    Modification of DNA with an mRNA vaccine is needed for the demons to populate!

  3. The Court has ruled that the 24,000 pages of Moderna documents will begin publishing in July!

    The Court has ruled that the 24,000 pages of Moderna documents will begin publishing in July!

  4. The world is ruled by demons in the body?!

    The world is ruled by demons in the body?!

  5. In the UK, police have arrested a street preacher for disturbing the peace of the people.

    In the UK, police have arrested a street preacher for disturbing the peace of the people.

  6. US presidential candidate Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. works for the globalists!

    US presidential candidate Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. works for the globalists!

  7. Biden said in 2005 that there was a subpoena to chip everyone!

    Biden said in 2005 that there was a subpoena to chip everyone!

  8. Possellenie demons from one person to another!

    Possellenie demons from one person to another!

  9. Photos of vaccines killed by propaganda! Leicester, UK.

    Photos of vaccines killed by propaganda! Leicester, UK.

  10. Justin Trudeau did not force anyone to make vaccines, it was just an experiment: what if you died!

    Justin Trudeau did not force anyone to make vaccines, it was just an experiment: what if you died!

  11. Flashlights with blue light and 5G destroy insects and evergreens! Oxfordshire, UK.

    Flashlights with blue light and 5G destroy insects and evergreens! Oxfordshire, UK.

  12. New terrible blood tests of vaccinated against covid!

    New terrible blood tests of vaccinated against covid!

  13. The globalist government of Israel is against the gospel of Jesus Christ!

    The globalist government of Israel is against the gospel of Jesus Christ!

  14. BBC ignores vaccine injury protest! Portland Place, London, 21 January 2023.

    BBC ignores vaccine injury protest! Portland Place, London, 21 January 2023.

  15. Sous l'influence des ondes radio 5G, la structure de l'eau est détruite !

    Sous l'influence des ondes radio 5G, la structure de l'eau est détruite !

  16. Sex reassignment surgery is a crime!

    Sex reassignment surgery is a crime!

  17. The globalists want complete control over all natural resources and water!

    The globalists want complete control over all natural resources and water!

  18. Everything you need to know about the climate agenda to understand that this is a scam!

    Everything you need to know about the climate agenda to understand that this is a scam!

  19. A rather unusual UFO was observed on April 22 in Japan!

    A rather unusual UFO was observed on April 22 in Japan!
