Great Reset | Biden Admin Negotiates Deal to Give WHO Authority Over US Pandemic Policies "Ideally the Response to COVID Should Be the Establishment of a Global Health Care System. COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under Your Skin." Yuval Noah Harari
CBDCs | How Do CBDCs Work? - "The (CBDCs) Vaccine Passports Really Are the Last Step. Once the CBDC Vaccine Passports Are Accepted There Is No More Choice." - Naomi Wolf
CBDCs | Why Is China Building Internment Camps? "It Comes Back to What Kind of Country You Want to Be. You've Seen What China Has Done with Their CBDCs, It's a LITTLE Invasive." - Martin Hargreaves (Chief Product Offer for QUANT CBDCs)
CBDCs | "It's Programmable Money and the Tricks You Can Do With It Are Insanely Dystopian. This Money You Just Earned. It Expires." - Max Keiser On Tucker Carlson
Red Wave | Is A Red Wave Headed for America? "I Think the Red Wave That Is Coming Will Be Like the Elevator Doors Opening Up In the Shining." - Joe Rogan
CBDCs | CDBCs 101: "The Implications for Freedom & Privacy Are Frightening." - Steve Forbes + "If That Happens We're Done." - Tucker Carlson + "It Will Be Implanted Under Your Skin." - Richard Werner
The ReAwaken America Tour | 41 Tickets Remain for Virginia Beach | The Biblical Battle Between the Great ReAwakening and Klaus Schwab's Great Reset Is HERE NOW!!!