2 years ago3rd Sunday In Ordinary Time - Music - word of god come down on earthFor the Love of Christ
2 years ago3rd Sunday In Ordinary Time - Music - Praise the one who breaks the darknessFor the Love of Christ
2 years agoFeast of the Holy Family of Jesus Mary and Joseph Mass Music 4 GloriaFor the Love of Christ
2 years agoFeast of the Holy Family of Jesus Mary and Joseph Mass Music 5 PsalmFor the Love of Christ
2 years agoFeast of the Holy Family of Jesus Mary and Joseph Mass Music 1 Harp PreludeFor the Love of Christ
2 years agoFeast of the Holy Family of Jesus Mary and Joseph Mass Music 2 Harp PreludeFor the Love of Christ
2 years ago4th Sunday In Ordinary Time - Music - Lord make us servants of your peaceFor the Love of Christ