1. 16_who made the bash shell?

    16_who made the bash shell?

  2. 14_how to bash rumble account

    14_how to bash rumble account

  3. 13_how to bash bitchute channel

    13_how to bash bitchute channel

  4. 22_where is bash on my computer?

    22_where is bash on my computer?

  5. 20_when was bash released?

    20_when was bash released?

  6. 42_how to "see the hidden files in a directory" with the "ls -a" command

    42_how to "see the hidden files in a directory" with the "ls -a" command

  7. 41_how to "ALWAYS go back to the home directory" using the "cd" command

    41_how to "ALWAYS go back to the home directory" using the "cd" command

  8. 39_how to "see the files and directories of the directory you are in" with the "ls" command

    39_how to "see the files and directories of the directory you are in" with the "ls" command

  9. 2_why am i making how to bash?

    2_why am i making how to bash?

  10. 3_what do i hope to accomplish with how to bash?

    3_what do i hope to accomplish with how to bash?

  11. 7_how to bash discord link

    7_how to bash discord link

  12. 6_how to bash subscribestar

    6_how to bash subscribestar

  13. 5_how to bash buy me a coffee

    5_how to bash buy me a coffee

  14. 151_what does the "w" stand for in file permissions in bash?

    151_what does the "w" stand for in file permissions in bash?

  15. 104_how to undo with alt r

    104_how to undo with alt r

  16. 77_how to lowercase words one at a time with alt L

    77_how to lowercase words one at a time with alt L

  17. 102_how to delete one word at a time with alt d

    102_how to delete one word at a time with alt d

  18. 103_how to switch two words with escape t

    103_how to switch two words with escape t

  19. 101_how to "run the previous command" with the "!!" comand

    101_how to "run the previous command" with the "!!" comand

  20. 95_how to unsuspend the text with ctrl q

    95_how to unsuspend the text with ctrl q

  21. 96_how to suspend the command with ctrl z

    96_how to suspend the command with ctrl z

  22. 94_how to suspend the text output with ctrl s

    94_how to suspend the text output with ctrl s

  23. 133_how to "make a text file with text" with "nano"

    133_how to "make a text file with text" with "nano"