1. What are the dozens of female hostages going through?

    What are the dozens of female hostages going through?

  2. Islam - What good have you done for the world lately?

    Islam - What good have you done for the world lately?

  3. Learn something - The two types of land Islam divide the world to

    Learn something - The two types of land Islam divide the world to

  4. Who I the Colonizer in Israel? Who was there first? Way before Islam even existed!

    Who I the Colonizer in Israel? Who was there first? Way before Islam even existed!

  5. Iranians had enough. Starting to call NO to Islam!

    Iranians had enough. Starting to call NO to Islam!

  6. They are starting to wake up in Germany - Islam, Democracy and Freedom DO NOT go together!

    They are starting to wake up in Germany - Islam, Democracy and Freedom DO NOT go together!

  7. If Islam is so Fantastic, why do Muslims always flee to Christian countries?

    If Islam is so Fantastic, why do Muslims always flee to Christian countries?

  8. Bridget Gabriel - 2 Things you need to understand about the principles of war in Islam

    Bridget Gabriel - 2 Things you need to understand about the principles of war in Islam

  9. UK Christian youth being converted to Islam. You think it's not happening in the US? Think again!

    UK Christian youth being converted to Islam. You think it's not happening in the US? Think again!

  10. Africa - Converting entire villages to Islam. Coming to the US soon!

    Africa - Converting entire villages to Islam. Coming to the US soon!

  11. Islam is a religion of Peace? No it isn't. Never was!Islam is never a choice! It is forced on people

    Islam is a religion of Peace? No it isn't. Never was!Islam is never a choice! It is forced on people

  12. Let talk "Women's Rights" in Islam. Are you sure you want this in the US?

    Let talk "Women's Rights" in Islam. Are you sure you want this in the US?

  13. If those lying sacks of poop said these things for real. Thank you AI for putting sense in them.

    If those lying sacks of poop said these things for real. Thank you AI for putting sense in them.

  14. Who is the Largest donors to American Universities?

    Who is the Largest donors to American Universities?

  15. Americans: Listen to this and WAKE THE HELL UP! They are hare to take over! They started already...

    Americans: Listen to this and WAKE THE HELL UP! They are hare to take over! They started already...

  16. Those who claim to speak for Brown and Queer people erasing my Brown Queer perspective

    Those who claim to speak for Brown and Queer people erasing my Brown Queer perspective

  17. Brooke Burke - ONE of the very few Celebrities that speak up!

    Brooke Burke - ONE of the very few Celebrities that speak up!

  18. Egypt keeps fortifying the border with Gaza. Why? Don't they want to help their "Suffering friends"?

    Egypt keeps fortifying the border with Gaza. Why? Don't they want to help their "Suffering friends"?

  19. YES! The Biden administration gave 2 BILLIONS to Hamas Terrorists in Gaza in 1 year at war time!

    YES! The Biden administration gave 2 BILLIONS to Hamas Terrorists in Gaza in 1 year at war time!
