CBDCs | "We Are Examining a Whether U.S. Central Bank Currency Would Improve Upon An Already Safe and Efficient Payment System. A U.S. CBDC Could Also Improve the Dollar's International Standing." - Jerome Powell (Chair of the Federal Reser
Central Bank Digital Currencies | How Will CBDCs Work? The Chief Executive Officer of Quant.Network (Gilbert Verdian) & Chief Product Officer (Martin Hargreaves) Shares About How Programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies Will Work?
CBDC | "Central Bank Digital Currencies Are Not Currencies, It's a Financial Transaction Control Grid. If You Don't Behave You Can Have Your Money Turned Off." - Catherine Austin Fitts
Port Strike | "Every Single Port Will Lock Down. Do You Know What Is Going to Happen? Guys Who Sell Cars, Can't Sell Cars. Malls Start Closing Down. Everything In the U.S. Comes In On A Ship." - Harold Daggett (Leader of ILA)
Diddy | What Is Justin Bieber Doing In This Video While At This Diddy Party? What Do These Diddy Lyrics Mean? A DEEP LOOK INTO THE MEANING OF DIDDY'S LYRICS & DIDDY'S INDUSTRY PARTIES (Attended By Justin Bieber)
CBDC | "Under the U.K.'s Presidency the Group of the World's Seven Most Advanced Economies, the G7 Is Launching a Set of Public Policy Principles for Retail Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)." - Risk Sunak (Prime Minister)
Central Bank Digital Currencies | PROJECT ICEBREAKER Announced!!! "The Central Banks of Israel, Norway & Sweden Have Joined Forces with the Bank of International Settlements Innovation Hub with PROJECT ICEBREAKER." - March 6th 2023
Yuval Noah Harari | "I Met My Husband Online In 2002 In One of the First Social Media Sites for the Gay Community. I Grew Up In Israel In the 1980s, 1990s." + "Nothing Can't Exist Agains the Laws of Nature." - Yuval Noah Harari
Justin Bieber | What Is Justin Bieber Doing With Jaden Smith At Coachella? What Is Justin Bieber Doing with Odell Beckham Junior? What Is Justin Bieber Doing With Diddy? What Is Bieber Doing? Why Does Lebron Party With Diddy?
Hegelian Dialectic | Problem. Reaction. Solution. "Thesis, Antithesis & the End Result Is the Synthesis Through the Middle That They Sought All Along. Left Argument, Right Argument..Wings of the Same Bird." - Francis Hunt (8/7/24)
Baltimore Bridge Collapse | Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse (Author of Star-Spangled Banner) | Singaporean Container Ship Dali Changed Course 2-Minutes Prior to Hitting Bridge & Was Dealing With Temporary Loss of Power
Cyber Pandemic | "Pay Sufficient Attention to the Frightening Scenario of a Comprehensive Cyber Attack. COVID-19 Crisis Would Be Seen As Small Disturbance In Comparison to a Major Cyber Attack." - Klaus Schwab 7/8/2020