1. Israel parabenizou o povo brasileiro em 7 de Setembro 2022

    Israel parabenizou o povo brasileiro em 7 de Setembro 2022

  2. Israel protests continue despite delays to legal reforms - BBC News

    Israel protests continue despite delays to legal reforms - BBC News

  3. Israeli PM says intelligence efforts are underway to find terrorists behind Jerusalem attacks

    Israeli PM says intelligence efforts are underway to find terrorists behind Jerusalem attacks

  4. 🔴 Uma Grande profecia se cumpriu hoje!📖 Nossa Redenção está muito perto! #compartilhe #eua #israel

    🔴 Uma Grande profecia se cumpriu hoje!📖 Nossa Redenção está muito perto! #compartilhe #eua #israel

  5. Biden: US Won't Wait 'Forever' on Iran Nuclear Deal

    Biden: US Won't Wait 'Forever' on Iran Nuclear Deal

  6. Глава МЗС 🤡 Лавров викликав гучний дипломатичний скандал,заявив, що «Гітлер мав єврейську кров»

    Глава МЗС 🤡 Лавров викликав гучний дипломатичний скандал,заявив, що «Гітлер мав єврейську кров»

  7. Israel, Turkey to re establish full diplomatic relations

    Israel, Turkey to re establish full diplomatic relations

  8. BIBI LE RETOUR : Israël : Netanyahou compte sur le scrutin législatif pour revenir au pouvoir

    BIBI LE RETOUR : Israël : Netanyahou compte sur le scrutin législatif pour revenir au pouvoir
