Artificial Intelligence | "There Is an Expert from The Machine Intelligence Research Institute Who States Says That If There Is Not An Indefinite Pause On AI Development Literally Everyone On Earth Will Die." Peter Doocy (Fox News)
X | X APP | Why Is Elon Musk Developing Why Is Twitter Now Owned By "X Corp?" Why Did Elon Musk Tweet Out "X" On April 10th 2023? Why Did Elon Musk Found OpenAI with Sam Altman and $1 Billion of Funding from Bill Gates?
CBDC | "If They Effectively Abolish Money, That's Gonna Make Us All Prisoners." - George Galloway (Former Member of Parliament) "Money Is Evolving from a Very Binary Thing to a Very Complicated Thing We Call Smart Money." - Quant.
Dollar Collapse | "In Order to Avoid the Consequences of the Sanctions. Let's Walk Away from the DOLLAR. When Russia Is Trading with China, There Is No Reason to Use the DOLLAR." - Thabo Mbeki (Former President of South Africa)
Artificial Intelligence | "We Must Have Democratization of AI Technology And Make It Widely Available. And That's Why You And Me And the Rest of the Team ($1 Billion of Funding from Bill Gates) Created Open AI." - Elon Musk
CBDC | "This Is a New Form of Money." + "Money Is Evolving from a Very Binary to a Very Complicated & Intelligent Thing We Call Smart Money." - Gilbert Verdian (Quant.Network) | "AI Takes Over More of the Action It Will Be Too
Artificial Intelligence | "One of the Biggest Things Happening In the World Right Now Is a Shift In Authority from Humans to Artificial Intelligence. Maybe the Bank Says No. The Bank Says the Algorithm Says No." - Yuval Noah Harari
Dollar Collapse | What Countries Are Joining BRICS? "Saudia Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Algeria, Argentina, Mexico, Nigeria, So There Is HUGE Interest." - Foreign Minister, Naledi Pandor from South Africa which holds BRICS Presidency Th
Transhumanism | From Transgender to Transhuman Author "I Believe Our Mind Clones Will Ultimately Be Our Best Friends." - Martine Rothblatt (Transgender & Top Earning CEO in Biopharmaceutical Industry in 2018)