2 years agoHow did this guy know right after the twin towers collapsed, that it was due to structural failure because the fires were “just too intense”?RedpillUSAPatriotsVerified
18 days agoOMC! How does she just fall asleep like that? The chicken napping ability is so underrated! #shortsOneMinuteChickens
1 year agoProject BlueBeam | How Do You Fool the Entire Earth? You Fake Reality ItselfQNewsPatriotVerified
17 days agoKORNACKI: "How did [Trump] do it? He did it by transforming the Republican Party."Question EverythingVerified
15 days agoDo you remember this? How do you feel right now?AMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaVerified
3 years ago"How Do You Govern When You Lost?" - President Trump Weighs in On Upcoming Arizona Audit FindingsThe Gateway PunditVerified
2 months agoThe Healing Power of Music: How Does Music Therapy Help People Living with Early Dementia?memoryandcompany