1. American History 1918 WWI Song - The Yanks Are at It Again

    American History 1918 WWI Song - The Yanks Are at It Again

  2. American History 1912 Theodore Roosevelt - Boys Progressive League

    American History 1912 Theodore Roosevelt - Boys Progressive League

  3. American History 1912 Theodore Roosevelt - Right of the People to Rule

    American History 1912 Theodore Roosevelt - Right of the People to Rule

  4. American History 1924 Dr Howard Carter - Opening of Tuts Tomb

    American History 1924 Dr Howard Carter - Opening of Tuts Tomb

  5. American History 1909 Ernest Shackleton - Expedition to the South Pole

    American History 1909 Ernest Shackleton - Expedition to the South Pole

  6. American History 1892 Election Song - Democrats Good Democrats Cleveland

    American History 1892 Election Song - Democrats Good Democrats Cleveland

  7. American History 1892 Election Song - Tammany No Candidate

    American History 1892 Election Song - Tammany No Candidate

  8. American History 1941 BBC - Wilfred Pickles on Far East Attacks

    American History 1941 BBC - Wilfred Pickles on Far East Attacks

  9. American History 1941/12/07 - Flash UPI Bulletin Reports Attack on Pearl Harbor

    American History 1941/12/07 - Flash UPI Bulletin Reports Attack on Pearl Harbor

  10. American History 41/12/08 NBC Blue - Bert Silan Reports Manila Bombing

    American History 41/12/08 NBC Blue - Bert Silan Reports Manila Bombing

  11. American History 1940/12/31 Herb Morrison, Minister for Home Security

    American History 1940/12/31 Herb Morrison, Minister for Home Security

  12. American History 1940/09/15 Alvar Liddell - 175 Aircraft Destroyed

    American History 1940/09/15 Alvar Liddell - 175 Aircraft Destroyed

  13. American History 1940/05/31 Bernard Stubbs - Watches Trains Full of Evacuees

    American History 1940/05/31 Bernard Stubbs - Watches Trains Full of Evacuees

  14. American History 1912 Theodore Roosevelt - Special Interests Speech

    American History 1912 Theodore Roosevelt - Special Interests Speech

  15. American History 1924 Election Song - Keep Cool and Keep Coolidge

    American History 1924 Election Song - Keep Cool and Keep Coolidge
