Reminder: On January 2nd 2021, NBC News reported that, according to the CDC, flu numbers were down 98% in 2020-2021. They have since deleted it from their official YouTube account.
CDC Dep. Dir. Tom Shimabukuro Admits COVID Vaccines Are Causing "Debilitating Illnesses" "We are aware of these reports of people experiencing long-lasting health problems following COVID vaccination" #DamageControl
Im sure the Mainstream media will have a different story along with an edited clip to show! #BREAKING: Justin Trudeau forced to leave a Vancouver restaurant amidst protests.
#GlitchUp Why do all the "Good Doctors" & "PFIZER Lawfare" Folks Always Block Or Ignore When I Confront Them On All Platforms With Document Links & Highlighted Screen Shots??? - START ASKING YOURSELF! 👀👇
Pope Meets with Bill Clinton and Alex Soros After Meeting With the Artist Who Submerged Christ in Urine Last Week. It's a big club and we're not in it. And don't want to be.
During last night’s Senate hearing into our COVID 19 Vaccine Discrimination Bill representatives from Moderna couldn’t provide the numbers of serious adverse reactions from their COVID mRNA injection.