1. The men of sin is the so called white man!

    The men of sin is the so called white man!

  2. People read spirits—they can sense if you have faith or not.

    People read spirits—they can sense if you have faith or not.

  3. Don’t make provisions with your flesh— stop playing with your sins!

    Don’t make provisions with your flesh— stop playing with your sins!

  4. We have to learn to see the good qualities in one another.

    We have to learn to see the good qualities in one another.

  5. We must fear the judgements of God, and keep the commandments.

    We must fear the judgements of God, and keep the commandments.

  6. One persons disobedience can destroy a multitude.

    One persons disobedience can destroy a multitude.

  7. Hope, the fear of God, and knowledge, are suppose to dwell in us, because we are the temple of God.

    Hope, the fear of God, and knowledge, are suppose to dwell in us, because we are the temple of God.

  8. We must be afraid of the judgements of God, at all times!

    We must be afraid of the judgements of God, at all times!

  9. God hates your pride. Homosexuality goes against God’s commandments!

    God hates your pride. Homosexuality goes against God’s commandments!

  10. The Samaritans were Israelites, Samaria was the capital of northern kingdom.

    The Samaritans were Israelites, Samaria was the capital of northern kingdom.

  11. We must gather together as the undesired nation.

    We must gather together as the undesired nation.

  12. TMH is only the God of Israel, no one else!!

    TMH is only the God of Israel, no one else!!

  13. Brother throws cigarette on the ground after Captain Gad admonishes him

    Brother throws cigarette on the ground after Captain Gad admonishes him

  14. We are spiritually blind! We see the injustice but don’t do anything about it.

    We are spiritually blind! We see the injustice but don’t do anything about it.

  15. The white man came peacefully to the Native Americans, and then slaughtered them.

    The white man came peacefully to the Native Americans, and then slaughtered them.

  16. All Portland Walmart Stores to Permanently Close Due to Shop Lifting + WAWA Leaving Crime Areas

    All Portland Walmart Stores to Permanently Close Due to Shop Lifting + WAWA Leaving Crime Areas

  17. One persons disobedience can destroy a multitude.

    One persons disobedience can destroy a multitude.

  18. If you hate your brother, you are a murderer.

    If you hate your brother, you are a murderer.

  19. People Who Said Portland Sucks Where Dead Wrong

    People Who Said Portland Sucks Where Dead Wrong