1. This writer thinks the fig tree is a forbidden fruit.

    This writer thinks the fig tree is a forbidden fruit.

  2. A middle schooler wants to know how to handle the kids who don't say anything good about God?

    A middle schooler wants to know how to handle the kids who don't say anything good about God?

  3. I have heard you talk about God & dimensions. Where is this dimension, deep space or next to us?

    I have heard you talk about God & dimensions. Where is this dimension, deep space or next to us?

  4. Q about the third of God's children that followed Satan in the 1st earth age

    Q about the third of God's children that followed Satan in the 1st earth age

  5. Does the devil know he is going to lose? If so, why does he play the game

    Does the devil know he is going to lose? If so, why does he play the game

  6. Where is it written about the fallen angels who impregnated women & that resulted in giants?

    Where is it written about the fallen angels who impregnated women & that resulted in giants?

  7. What can I do to better understand God's Word? His answer is why people study with this chapel.

    What can I do to better understand God's Word? His answer is why people study with this chapel.

  8. I have been told that God was talking to the daughters of Cain in Gen 6,& not the sons of God?

    I have been told that God was talking to the daughters of Cain in Gen 6,& not the sons of God?

  9. When we pass what are we doing? What are those doing on the good side of the gulf & the bad side?

    When we pass what are we doing? What are those doing on the good side of the gulf & the bad side?

  10. I have a friend who prayed over my son & she babbled. How do I tell her that wasn't right to babel?

    I have a friend who prayed over my son & she babbled. How do I tell her that wasn't right to babel?

  11. Is the mark of the beast a good angel?

    Is the mark of the beast a good angel?

  12. Is the soul and the spirit the same?

    Is the soul and the spirit the same?

  13. I want to know if it's unGodly for a woman to teach?

    I want to know if it's unGodly for a woman to teach?

  14. Please explain Matthew 24:40-41? I don't understand the one taken.

    Please explain Matthew 24:40-41? I don't understand the one taken.

  15. Where is YHVH in the book of Ester? did I misunderstand when you said it 2xs forward & backward?

    Where is YHVH in the book of Ester? did I misunderstand when you said it 2xs forward & backward?

  16. Where in the Bible does it talk about man laying with man, as in homosexuality?

    Where in the Bible does it talk about man laying with man, as in homosexuality?

  17. Who did God tell to go marry a harlot & where can I find that scripture?

    Who did God tell to go marry a harlot & where can I find that scripture?

  18. How do you anoint with olive oil?

    How do you anoint with olive oil?

  19. I an confused about Ezekiel 38 & 39. When does this prophecy occur? Before or after Satan 5 months?

    I an confused about Ezekiel 38 & 39. When does this prophecy occur? Before or after Satan 5 months?

  20. If there is no rapture just before the 1st 3.5 years of trib, what happens to the Christians here?

    If there is no rapture just before the 1st 3.5 years of trib, what happens to the Christians here?

  21. What exactly is the mark of the beast?

    What exactly is the mark of the beast?

  22. Is there anything the elect should know about the prophecy of the red heifer? Or to look for it?

    Is there anything the elect should know about the prophecy of the red heifer? Or to look for it?

  23. Please explain the parable of the fig tree. Where is it written? Matthew 13:28

    Please explain the parable of the fig tree. Where is it written? Matthew 13:28

  24. Do you consider yourself to be an elect? And do you think just isrealites will be the only elect?

    Do you consider yourself to be an elect? And do you think just isrealites will be the only elect?

  25. At the 6th Trump, will we see the antichrist?

    At the 6th Trump, will we see the antichrist?
