Great Reset | Painful TRUTH | How Do They Get Surveillance Under Our Skin? "It's Already Working Right Now." - Todd Callender | Does the Military Actually Get Involved When There Is an Overthrow of the U.S. Government? "No."
Yuval Noah Harari | Where Did Yuval Noah Harari Come From? Why Is He Praised by Obama, Zuckerberg & Gates? "If Millions of People Stop Believing In the Dollar It Loses All of Its Value. There Is No Drama and You Have No Role to Play In It."
CBDCs | The Connection Between the Epstein & Gates-Funded MIT Lab, CBDCs, Vaccine Passports, Quantum Dots and The Technology That Makes It Possible for No Man to Buy or Sell Unless They Have the Quantum Mark
una donna britannica ha costruito un bunker sotterraneo.per procurarsi armi e cibo per 25 anni. Dice di essersi preparata per due anni(per l'apocalisse ma non lo dicono però perchè se no li prendono per pazzi ovviamente,ndr)