Yuval Noah Harari | "A Good 2-Way Communication System Directly Between Brains and Computers It Means That You Can Connect Several Brains Together. Who Am I When I Can Access Directly the Brain of Another Person?" + BrainNet
CBDC | Why Are the Amazon And Walletmor Companies Pushing the Concept of Paying With Your Hand? What Does the Text Found In Revelation Chapter 13: 16-18 Say?
Great Reset | The Neurosity CROWN | "We Need An ANTI-VIRUS for the Brain." + "You Can Connect Several Brains Together to Create an Inter-Brain Net. Who Am I When I Can Access Directly the Brain of Another Person." Yuval Noah Harari
CBDCs | "Central Bank Digital Currency Passports, That Last Two Years Created a Problem and Allowed a Digital ID Infrastructure to Already Be Created So a Central Bank Digital Currency Can Easily Just Swoop Right In." - Layah Heilpern
The Great Reset | "The World Economic Forum Plan for 2030. Your Family Will Eat Zero Amounts of Meat and Zero Amounts of Dairy. Each Person Will Be Restricted to 2,500 Calories a Day. Each Family Member Will Only Received 3 New Items of Clothing Per
CBDCs | World Economic Forum Meeting 2023 | "It Remains to Be Seen Exactly What Kind of Outcomes CBDCs Once Implemented Will Have." - Neha Narula Director, Digital Currency Initiative, MIT
CBDCs | "Central Bank Digital Currencies Are Programmable. Every Individual Will Be Given a Certain Amount of Carbon That They Are Allowed to Emit Into the Atmosphere."
The Great Reset | "I See the Need for Action. I See the Need for a Great Reset." - Klaus Schwab "The Vaccine Is Going to Have to Go to 7 Billion People." - Bill Gates
Yuval Noah Harari | "Figures Like Figure, Like Stalin They Also Tried to Re-Engineer Humans. Once You Give These Kinds of Regimes the Ability to Actually Change the Human Body Permanently, Maybe Even Germ Line, Then Their Legacy Can Last Indefinitely
CBDC | "CBDC Allow Targeted Policy Functions. By Programming CBDC, Money Can Be Targeted for What Kind of People Can Own & What Kind of Use This Kind of Money Can Be Utilized." - Bo Li
CBDC | How Do Central Bank Digital Currencies Work? | "The Central Bank Will Have Absolute Control On the Rules and Regulations That Will Determine the Use (Of Money)." - Agustin Guillermo Carstens (GM of the Bank of International Settlements)
Yuval Noah Harari | "Many of Things I Talk About And People In the West React With Apprehension and FEAR, In CHINA the Reaction to Exactly the Same Topic Is EXCITEMENT! WOW We Can Do That!!!" - Yuval Noah Harari (Lead Klaus Schwab Advisor)
COVID-19 Shots | "(The Vaccine) Is Not About YOU It's About People You Interact With And That's the Social Contract of Public Health." - Neil deGrasse Tyson + "IDEALLY, COVID Makes SURVEILLANCE GO UNDER THE SKIN." - Harari
The Great Reset | "The NASA and Other Organizations Can Spy On Not Just Your Email and Your Cell Phones, But Soon Potentially On Your Brains As Well." + "Using Consumer Wearable Devices Like EARBUDS We Can Pickup Emotional States."
Pfizer | "We Are Exploring, Why Don't We Just Mutate the Virus Ourselves? So We Could Preemptively Develop New Vaccines." - Jordan Trishton Walker, Pfizer Director of Research & Development Strategic Operations & mRNA Planning
CBDC | "Central Bank Digital Currencies Are Not Currencies. CBDCs Are a Financial Transaction Control Grid. You Can Have Your Money Turned Off." - C. Fitts + "It's End of the Dollar, Wiping Out Stocks, Bonds & Mutual Funds."
The Great Reset | "What Will We Do With All of These USELESS PEOPLE?" - Yuval Noah Harari + "How Do You Create a Class of Slaves That Cannot Even Cognitively Rebel EVER Again." - Whitney Webb "Humans Are Now HACKABLE ANIMALS."
CBDC | Catherine Austine Fitts | The Central Banks Have Decided to Take Over. The Ultimate Completion of This Will Be When They Introduce Central Currencies Controlled and Operated by the Central Bank