This is what the real Humans do to support each other when shit gets tough! 16 year old girl Dazelle is fighting for her life in Australia, is being denied a life saving double lung transplant because she hasn’t had 4 COVID "Vaccines"
Sabrina Wallace & RumbleDad VS The Co'intel Clowns! - Just Look To The Description For The Difference! 3000+ videos With A FULL Evidence List In The Descriptions I PUT IN WORK! 😆
Rally in Mississauga by the Muslim community against gender ideology being pushed on children. Speaker says “We need the Christian community, the Muslim community, and the Jewish community. All communities have to stand together on this!”
Seriously how weak can you really be! Call them all out who hide information about the ITU(J-FET) ITU(IoBnT) ITU(AKILDIZ MOLECULAR COMMUNICATION) ISO,IEC BIODIGITAL CONVERGENCE STANDARDS!
This is all i could say to anyone that got on the ingestable 'supliments' refferal links train without doing some homework and cross references with nano tech first.
moderna ceo: 'we took just 2 days to make the vaccine on the computer' - Because it is a software program not a 'vaccine' and the Proteins are the CPU's
Radiofrequency/Microwave Radiation Biological Effects and Safety Standards: A Review - Rome Laboratory - Air Force Materiel Command GrAffin Mr Force Ban, New York 1994