CBDC | Are Xi & Putin Referring to the Ending the U.S. Dollar As the World's Reserve Currency? "We're Seeing a Chance We Haven't Seen In 100 Years & We're Driving This Change Together." - Xi Jin (Speaking to Putin)
CBDC | "(CBDCs) Central Bank Digital Currencies Are Not Currencies, It's a Financial Transaction Control Grid. If You Don't Behave You Can Have Your Money Turned Off. CBDCs Are Sort of the Last Shutting of the Gate." - Catherine Austin
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "Is It Going to Be As Private As Cash? No." - Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde (French politician and lawyer who has served as President of the European Central Bank since 2019)
CBDCs | Grant Cardone "Banks Are Not Carrying Cash Because They Are Fractionalized Banking." + Steve Forbes, & Catherine Austin Fitts Explain How Central Bank Digital Currencies Work
CBDCs & The Great Reset | Could There Be a Connection Between Those Two?! Understanding the Connection Between Central Bank Digital Currencies, Transhumanism, the COVID-19 mRNA-Modifying Nano-Technology Shots and BRICS
CBDCs | "Paper Money Is Increasingly Becoming Worthless. The Life Span of Paper Money Is Coming to An End. So They Are Bringing In These Programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies. This Money Is Programmable." - Maajid Nawaz (Journalist)
Catherine Austin Fitts | CBDCs | "This Is a Digital System Where the Central Bankers Can Make Rules About What You Can and Cannot Do With Your Money And They Can Enforce Those Rules With Total Surveillance."
CBDCs | "CBCDs & Vaccine Passports Are Sort of the Last Shutting of the Gate. Central Bank Digital Currencies ARE NOT Currencies. It's a Financial Transaction Control Grid. It You Don't Behave You Can Money Turned Off." - C. Fitts
CBDC | "By Programming CBDC, Money Can Be Targeted for What Kind of People Can Own & What Kind of Use This Kind of Money Can Be Utilized." - Bo Li + “CBDCs Are Not Currencies, It’ a Financial Transaction Control Grid.” Catherine Austin