1. My Brother In Law’s In ICU With Pneumonia&Induced Coma,Now In Kidney Failure&Dialysis,Is This Normal

    My Brother In Law’s In ICU With Pneumonia&Induced Coma,Now In Kidney Failure&Dialysis,Is This Normal

  2. Understanding The Urinary System: A Paramedic Perspective

    Understanding The Urinary System: A Paramedic Perspective

  3. Quick tip for families in intensive care: Weaning off VA ECMO and VV ECMO simultaneously?

    Quick tip for families in intensive care: Weaning off VA ECMO and VV ECMO simultaneously?

  4. Should I Stop Life Support for My 41-Year Old Wife After Cardiac Arrest and Hypoxic Brain Injury?

    Should I Stop Life Support for My 41-Year Old Wife After Cardiac Arrest and Hypoxic Brain Injury?

  5. Dad's in ICU with a Weak Heart, ICU Says DNR to Stop His Pain and Suffering but We Want CPR, Help!

    Dad's in ICU with a Weak Heart, ICU Says DNR to Stop His Pain and Suffering but We Want CPR, Help!

  6. Can My Husband in ICU have a Tracheostomy Whilst Having a GI-Bleed? Quick Tip for Families in ICU!

    Can My Husband in ICU have a Tracheostomy Whilst Having a GI-Bleed? Quick Tip for Families in ICU!

  7. What is Causing Multi-Organ Failure? Quick Tip for Families in Intensive Care!

    What is Causing Multi-Organ Failure? Quick Tip for Families in Intensive Care!

  8. Quick tip for families in ICU: Can a ventilated patient with a breathing tube be extubated twice?

    Quick tip for families in ICU: Can a ventilated patient with a breathing tube be extubated twice?

  9. Quick tip for families in ICU: Can a ventilated patient be extubated with airway swelling?

    Quick tip for families in ICU: Can a ventilated patient be extubated with airway swelling?

  10. Quick tip for families in intensive care: Are high blood sugars normal for intensive care patients?

    Quick tip for families in intensive care: Are high blood sugars normal for intensive care patients?

  11. Quick tip for families in Intensive Care: How long does it take to wake up after open heart surgery?

    Quick tip for families in Intensive Care: How long does it take to wake up after open heart surgery?

  12. What’s the Life Expectancy With Multi-Organ Failure in ICU? Quick Tip for Families in Intensive Care

    What’s the Life Expectancy With Multi-Organ Failure in ICU? Quick Tip for Families in Intensive Care

  13. My Mother is Comfortable on Ventilation& Still Unable to Have the Breathing Tube Removed(Extubation)

    My Mother is Comfortable on Ventilation& Still Unable to Have the Breathing Tube Removed(Extubation)

  14. Mom left ICU after being extubated&now she's in Palliative care without nutrition&hydration, help!

    Mom left ICU after being extubated&now she's in Palliative care without nutrition&hydration, help!

  15. ☀️ YUME X11 11" 5000W Motor Off-Road Tires Up to 55Miles&60mph Foldable Powerful Electric Scooter

    ☀️ YUME X11 11" 5000W Motor Off-Road Tires Up to 55Miles&60mph Foldable Powerful Electric Scooter

  16. Quick tip for families in intensive care: When to give consent to a tracheostomy?

    Quick tip for families in intensive care: When to give consent to a tracheostomy?

  17. Quick tip for families in ICU: Sitting up 30 degrees for nutrition prevents aspiration pneumonia!

    Quick tip for families in ICU: Sitting up 30 degrees for nutrition prevents aspiration pneumonia!

  18. Quick tip for families in ICU: Can a tracheostomy be done while your loved one is on ECMO?

    Quick tip for families in ICU: Can a tracheostomy be done while your loved one is on ECMO?

  19. ☄️ YUME X11 Powerful 11" Motor 5000W Off-Road Tires Up to 55Miles&60mph Foldable Electric Scooter

    ☄️ YUME X11 Powerful 11" Motor 5000W Off-Road Tires Up to 55Miles&60mph Foldable Electric Scooter

  20. Quick tip for families in ICU:3 reasons why ICU's aren't a safe space for families in intensive care

    Quick tip for families in ICU:3 reasons why ICU's aren't a safe space for families in intensive care

  21. Quick tip for families in ICU:Should your loved one go from ICU to LTAC with multiple comorbodities?

    Quick tip for families in ICU:Should your loved one go from ICU to LTAC with multiple comorbodities?
