Australian Dr. David Nixon reveals his findings of nanotechnology inside the COVID-19 “vaccines”, as well as microtech, which is larger than previous nanotechnology findings inside the vials. He also discusses how protecting the vials inside a faraday
#PSYOP - Former State Dpt. COVID Investigator David Asher: "It appears that they materially supported the development in part of COVID-19 at the Wuhan institute of virology...and Dr. Fauci was well aware of it. The cover-up started from the highest
MYOCARDITIS; Numbers post injection up to 25,000 per million. Before covid Jabs were just 4 per million Dr. Peter McCullough; I saw a couple of cases in decades now I’m seeing it on a daily basis
These people never joke and tell the truth a lot of times so that everyone chooses the vaccines in their own free will having the information, But Not the complete information of course but enough so that free will is respected.
A Job Destroyer: The Speed of the Fourth Industrial Revolution Is 'Like a Tsunami' Klaus Schwab: "In Davos, for example, we are sometimes accused of rigorous globalization."
Child Abuse: The Biden Admin Is Coming for Your Kids With Disturbing Proposed Changes to Title IX Dr. Peterson Pierre: "If you uphold biological reality, that is going to be considered a form of sexual harassment
WHO 2022 Summit "Dr". Tedros, Explains Why His Vision of Stripping the Sovereign Rights of 194 Countries in a Global Pandemic Treaty Will Last “Maybe Even for Centuries to Come” Lockdowns and mandates by globalists order, forever.
Mother Knew of Dangerous Side Effects of The Covid Shots But Still Chose to Inject Her Son Who Developed Myocarditis ‘We knew this was a possibility, hearing the signals coming out of Israel’
Concealed Crime: The Perfect Poison – Vaccine-Induced Murder... 5 Months Later Dr. Ryan Cole: “Instead of like a wildfire, where we see people pass away quickly ... we’re seeing more of a smoldering wildfire until the burden of disease ....
This is the Holocaust applied to 8 billion people Dr. Bryan Ardis; it’s so far out of our reach to think men could be that evil, orchestrating mass amounts of death in order to achieve their agenda
Rallies in Rome. People marched through the streets demanding the country's exit from the EU and NATO, as well as the lifting of anti-Russian sanctions.
🇳🇱NETHERLANDS - 100 schools have insects and mealworms on the menu, indoctrinating your children to the New Normal. The WEF agenda will not be stopped, until you all stand and say no. The last 2 years must have taught you that.
Senator Alex Antic exposes how the Australian people have been “duped” by health officials like Professor Paul Kelly. Australia was operating under a international treaty written by the W.H.O.
For the weekend of October 14th, the registered number of deaths in the UK was 14.9% above the five-year average. "Now, why isn't this being talked about?" asked Dr. John Campbell.
French Protestors Hold the Line and Force Police Officers to Walk in Shame and Retreat Amid times of soaring inflation and growing anti-government sentiment, French police officers rushed toward protestors while expecting them to disperse.