1. Eddie Murphy yells his phone number to Whitney Houston

    Eddie Murphy yells his phone number to Whitney Houston

  2. John D. Rockefeller talking during the Great Depression, 1932

    John D. Rockefeller talking during the Great Depression, 1932

  3. Charlie gave the best horse race gambling advice

    Charlie gave the best horse race gambling advice

  4. 2003 SNL skit critiquing the imperialism, racism, and Islamophobia surrounding the War on Terror

    2003 SNL skit critiquing the imperialism, racism, and Islamophobia surrounding the War on Terror

  5. Sophia humanoid robot talks about the future of humanity

    Sophia humanoid robot talks about the future of humanity

  6. Madonna made history with 1.6 million crowd at her concert In Brazil's Rio

    Madonna made history with 1.6 million crowd at her concert In Brazil's Rio

  7. This is Angel Falls, one of the world's tallest uninterrupted waterfall

    This is Angel Falls, one of the world's tallest uninterrupted waterfall

  8. Pong is a classic video game that was first released in 1972 by Atari Inc.

    Pong is a classic video game that was first released in 1972 by Atari Inc.

  9. Eddie Vedder proving rock stars can fly since the 90s

    Eddie Vedder proving rock stars can fly since the 90s

  10. President Donald Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron shared a 29-second handshake

    President Donald Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron shared a 29-second handshake

  11. CBS NFL intro from 1977. Almost every clip is a penalty in 2024

    CBS NFL intro from 1977. Almost every clip is a penalty in 2024

  12. How to get a fire started by blowing air underneath

    How to get a fire started by blowing air underneath

  13. Rent-A-Friend, the VHS friend for lonely people (1986)

    Rent-A-Friend, the VHS friend for lonely people (1986)

  14. Johnny Cash and Bob Dylan absolutely gone while singing "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry"

    Johnny Cash and Bob Dylan absolutely gone while singing "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry"

  15. John Cena playing a man no one has seen before is perfect

    John Cena playing a man no one has seen before is perfect

  16. Some people believe ‘Ghost in the Shell’ from 1995 was an inspiration for The Matrix

    Some people believe ‘Ghost in the Shell’ from 1995 was an inspiration for The Matrix

  17. Firefighter deadlift 600 lbs of flaming steel at the age of 50 to celebrate his retirement

    Firefighter deadlift 600 lbs of flaming steel at the age of 50 to celebrate his retirement
