18 days agoJesus is the WORD made Manifest, and the LIGHT in this World that will GUIDE YOU!drock5690
13 days agoThe Victory that You have in your life will help others have victory in their lives!drock5690
20 days agoThe cleansing of the Lord's House is taking place in the days ahead, as in the days of Old!drock5690
20 days agoThe Wicked will bring Destruction upon themselves, and NOTHING needs to be done, it will HAPPEN!drock5690
13 days agoThere will be DECEIVERS in these Last Days that will attempt to Change the Teachings of Jesus!drock5690
16 days agoDo not be Deceived in the last days by ministers of the Gospel and allow HOLY SPIRIT to work in YOU!drock5690
12 days agoDefend your Faith from Ungodly People that will distort the Gospel of the LORD Jesus!drock5690
25 days agoThe BIBLE warns us in these last days that people will stumble over the Word of God!drock5690
21 days agoGodliness will Keep YOU from Walking in your old Lifestyle of Sin, and to walk in your calling!drock5690
1 month agoPeople will be seduced by Evil and mislead by LIES and Error by the Coming of the AntiChrist!drock5690
22 days agoDon't act SURPRISED when unusual Persecution comes your way, because the LORD is with YOU!drock5690
22 days agoGive ALL of your concerns CONTINUALLY to the LORD Jesus, & he will Raise YOU Up, & impart Blessing!drock5690
24 days agoThe LORD Jesus is our example when others mistreat us, and who to go when YOU need healing!drock5690
1 month agoThe LORD will Protect YOU from the Evil One, as You Continue to Speak the WORD of the Lord!drock5690
1 month agoThe Law was given for SINNERS, so they could turn to JESUS, the only ONE that could fulfill it!drock5690
2 months agoDelegate your responsibilities to others, as they are DESTINED to do it for YOU!drock5690
1 month agoIt is the LORD Jesus that raises up LEADERS, and why we need to PRAY for the right ones to come in!drock5690
1 month agoBe a self-controlled person that produces good works through a solid foundation of the Word!drock5690
1 month agoThere is going to be Rebellion and Deceivers because of their traditions apart from Faith in JESUS!drock5690