Dollar Collapse | Why Did Kenyan President William Ruto Say, "Those of You Who Are Holding Dollars. You Better Do What You Must Do. Because This Market Is Going to Be Different In a Couple of Weeks." BRICS Nations Announce Plans for New Currency
Israel Protests | Why Is Yuval Noah Harari Leading the Largest Protests In the History of Israel And Saying? "My Message to Benjamin Netanyahu: Stop Your Coup or We’ll Stop the Country"
Dr. Rashid Buttar | “My Friends Were Calling Me From Everywhere Saying What The Hell Is Wrong With You, We Are So Embarrassed. Why Are You Only Number 5, Why Aren’t You Number 1?” - Dr. Rashid Buttar
Preachers Gone MAD! They're antichrists-Jesse Duplantis says JESUS has not come back cause people are not giving enough Money. Pathetic pimps lead masses to a dark jesus/Protect home reject this spell