1. Female kings guard shouts make way at female tourist #horseguardsparade

    Female kings guard shouts make way at female tourist #horseguardsparade

  2. Make way for the kings guard #buckinghampalace

    Make way for the kings guard #buckinghampalace

  3. tourist's make way for the kings guard, which still gives a fright #horseguardsparade

    tourist's make way for the kings guard, which still gives a fright #horseguardsparade

  4. Make way crossing paths with the kings guard #horseguardsparade

    Make way crossing paths with the kings guard #horseguardsparade

  5. The kings guard shouts Make way #horseguardsparade

    The kings guard shouts Make way #horseguardsparade

  6. Tourist screams the kings guard shouts make way #thekingsguard

    Tourist screams the kings guard shouts make way #thekingsguard

  7. Watch them move make way for the kings life guard #horseguardsparade

    Watch them move make way for the kings life guard #horseguardsparade

  8. Make way the kings guard out side #buckinghampalace

    Make way the kings guard out side #buckinghampalace

  9. Make way dog barkes at kings guard #thekingsguard

    Make way dog barkes at kings guard #thekingsguard

  10. Make way for rhe kings life Guard #thekingsguard

    Make way for rhe kings life Guard #thekingsguard

  11. Make way for the kings life guard #thekingsguard

    Make way for the kings life guard #thekingsguard

  12. Female kings guard shouts at tourist two times make way #thekingsguard

    Female kings guard shouts at tourist two times make way #thekingsguard

  13. Make way for the kings life guard #horseguardsparade

    Make way for the kings life guard #horseguardsparade

  14. 11 September 2022 make way kings guard shouts #horseguardsparade

    11 September 2022 make way kings guard shouts #horseguardsparade

  15. make way for the kings guard #horseguardsparade

    make way for the kings guard #horseguardsparade

  16. Make way for the kings guard #horseguardsparade

    Make way for the kings guard #horseguardsparade

  17. make way for the kings guard #horseguardsparade

    make way for the kings guard #horseguardsparade

  18. The kings guard shouts make way at tourists watching the change over #horseguardsparade

    The kings guard shouts make way at tourists watching the change over #horseguardsparade

  19. make way for the kings life guard #horseguardsparade

    make way for the kings life guard #horseguardsparade

  20. make way for the kings guard #horseguardsparade

    make way for the kings guard #horseguardsparade

  21. Make way for the kings guard 8 October 2022 #horseguardsparade

    Make way for the kings guard 8 October 2022 #horseguardsparade

  22. Make way for the kings guard #horseguardsparade

    Make way for the kings guard #horseguardsparade

  23. Make way for the kings life Guard #horseguardsparade

    Make way for the kings life Guard #horseguardsparade