3 years agoCatholic Archbishop Vigano admits the vaccine is a gene altering bioweapon and that it's satanicMyCatholicRedPill
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2 years agoRoe Vs. Wade about to be struck down was leaked so the leftist mob could try and sway opinionMyCatholicRedPill
2 years agoCredibility Of The Public Health Establishment, Pfizer Albert Bourla, Has Just Come Down With COVIDRightell
3 years agoChild telling her Grandma that she is being Sexually Molested but Grandma does NothingMyCatholicRedPill
3 years agoDon't Get the Fauci Ouchie | Public Service AnnouncementRedonkulas.com ProductionsVerified
1 year ago▶ EXTRAITS-RQ (31 déc 23) : VINCENT HERVOUET - Des méa-culpas pour avoir menti !RadioQuebecEXTRAITS