1. USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 10-19-23 @16:35 Rob the tree climber repositions cam 1 and waves to Cam

    USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 10-19-23 @16:35 Rob the tree climber repositions cam 1 and waves to Cam

  2. USS Bald Eagle Cam #1 6-8-23 @ 19:21 Hop shows off wing span.

    USS Bald Eagle Cam #1 6-8-23 @ 19:21 Hop shows off wing span.

  3. USS Bald Eagle Cam 2 6/27/23 @ 7:47:14 Hop does a fly by above the nest.

    USS Bald Eagle Cam 2 6/27/23 @ 7:47:14 Hop does a fly by above the nest.

  4. U. S. S Eagles - Side-by-side

    U. S. S Eagles - Side-by-side

  5. USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 4-5-23 @18-10-15 Egg roll with great view of PIP

    USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 4-5-23 @18-10-15 Egg roll with great view of PIP

  6. USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 4-13-23 @ 16:11:05 USS6 moves straw/grass

    USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 4-13-23 @ 16:11:05 USS6 moves straw/grass

  7. USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 6-8-23 @ 15:03 Hop trying out for the Pittsburgh Penguin goalie position

    USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 6-8-23 @ 15:03 Hop trying out for the Pittsburgh Penguin goalie position

  8. Uss Bald Eagle Cam 1 7-18-23 @ 14:46;33 Fish delivery. All three in the nest. Hop mantles fish

    Uss Bald Eagle Cam 1 7-18-23 @ 14:46;33 Fish delivery. All three in the nest. Hop mantles fish

  9. USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 9-23-23 @ 7:42am Irvin flying down river.

    USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 9-23-23 @ 7:42am Irvin flying down river.

  10. USS Bald Eagle Cam 2 6-18-23 @ 20:00 Irvin and Claire feast on river bank Cam 2 view

    USS Bald Eagle Cam 2 6-18-23 @ 20:00 Irvin and Claire feast on river bank Cam 2 view

  11. बाज़ एक शिकारी पक्षी है जो कि गरुड़ से छोटा होता है

    बाज़ एक शिकारी पक्षी है जो कि गरुड़ से छोटा होता है

  12. USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 4-13-23 @ 16:34:30 Irvin Heraldic pose

    USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 4-13-23 @ 16:34:30 Irvin Heraldic pose

  13. USS Bald Eagle 6-23-23 @ 6:37:22 Hop jumps from one branch to another.

    USS Bald Eagle 6-23-23 @ 6:37:22 Hop jumps from one branch to another.

  14. USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 4-5-23 @ 15:57:54 Egg roll with promising PIP view near beak

    USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 4-5-23 @ 15:57:54 Egg roll with promising PIP view near beak

  15. USS Eagles fly-in with stick

    USS Eagles fly-in with stick

  16. USS Bald Eagle Cam 2 7-1-23 @ 20:12:17 Mystery fly off. Cast your vote. Adult or Hop ;-)

    USS Bald Eagle Cam 2 7-1-23 @ 20:12:17 Mystery fly off. Cast your vote. Adult or Hop ;-)

  17. USS Bald Eagle Cam 3 7-16-23 @ 18:06;58 Hop flips upside down and hangs before flying off

    USS Bald Eagle Cam 3 7-16-23 @ 18:06;58 Hop flips upside down and hangs before flying off

  18. USS Bald Eagle Cam 2 5-25-23 @ 10:58:11 Great fly in by Irvin with fish. Claire right behind

    USS Bald Eagle Cam 2 5-25-23 @ 10:58:11 Great fly in by Irvin with fish. Claire right behind

  19. USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 7-20-23 @ 18:11:40 Hop chases Parent out of the nest

    USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 7-20-23 @ 18:11:40 Hop chases Parent out of the nest

  20. USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 6-3-23 @ 17:04:03 Hop shows off sheath of feathers during afternoon preening

    USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 6-3-23 @ 17:04:03 Hop shows off sheath of feathers during afternoon preening

  21. USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 6-4-23 @ 09:27 - Hop does a little aerating to help dry out the nest.

    USS Bald Eagle Cam 1 6-4-23 @ 09:27 - Hop does a little aerating to help dry out the nest.

  22. USS Bald Eagle Cam 2 7-17-23 @ 9:19:55 Great fly in by Irvin and Hop.

    USS Bald Eagle Cam 2 7-17-23 @ 9:19:55 Great fly in by Irvin and Hop.
