1. 参议员马克韦恩·马林:美国的决心正在经受考验,中国 朝鲜、伊朗和俄罗斯形成了一个邪恶联盟,他们认为我们软弱无能,正试图试探我们的决心……!

    参议员马克韦恩·马林:美国的决心正在经受考验,中国 朝鲜、伊朗和俄罗斯形成了一个邪恶联盟,他们认为我们软弱无能,正试图试探我们的决心……!

  2. Fistfight nearly breaks out in Senate hearing until Sen. Bernie Sanders intervenes

    Fistfight nearly breaks out in Senate hearing until Sen. Bernie Sanders intervenes

  3. Teamsters President makes it clear he’s isn’t gonna put up with GOP BS

    Teamsters President makes it clear he’s isn’t gonna put up with GOP BS

  4. Mullin: You need the land mass the size of Texas to completely transition away from fossil fuels

    Mullin: You need the land mass the size of Texas to completely transition away from fossil fuels

  5. Is Mullin out of touch with the People in His District?

    Is Mullin out of touch with the People in His District?

  6. This is prohibiting growth: GOP lawmaker

    This is prohibiting growth: GOP lawmaker
