THIS IS HOW YOU'LL END THEIR CONTROL—Really Simply. #HistoryCanTellTheFuture #YoullTrustNoPlan #YoullTrustEachOther #CommunitiesUnitedForSovereignty #KnowYourSheriff | "Destroying Ra" Clip From the Film "Stargate" (1994)
RAW 15 Second Footage of Trump Fandom in Harlem, NY.. Note Some UNHAPPY Cops! | WE in 5D: I Used to Teach Yoga Right There Next to the Romantic Depot—JUST KIDDIIIIING! But Pretty Near Nonetheless. See Yoga Video in Description Below.
🐉 NY Man OWNS Migrant Center Security W/ COOPERATION FROM COP. | #OwnThatSHADOW! If 8 Billion People Owned Their Shadow and Took Responsibility for Previous Choices & Created-Timeline They'd Reach 5D. PROPER Navigation of Shadow IS 5D!
It's Not About "Deserve". It’s—THIS is What a White Hat Contract Looks Like [There's a Glass Ceiling!] + Contracts.. Codependencies are SO the Previous Age of Pisces!
Unless for Research Purposes STOP fu"Q"ing with Your OWN Psyche; Never Mind the British People! This “Q” Mental Gymnastics is Not 5D Chess, But an Insult to Your Consciousness. Qtards, Unsub From This Channel.
Dark City [Trailer] (1998) | Before "The Matrix" There Was "Dark City". How The Demiurge Hijacks You, Perpetuating an Inorganic Matrix! (Full Movie Linked in the Description Below)
Sway – Jennifer Connelly (Musical Selection) | WE in 5D: Before "The Matrix" There Was "Dark City" (1998). How The Demiurge Hijacks You, Perpetuating an Inorganic Matrix! (Full Movie Linked in the Description Below)
Socially Engineered Illuminati Product (That's MANYYY Humans, But in This Case, the Colorado Secretary of State) Loosing Her Mind and Looking Like She's About do Cry Over 9-0 SCOTUS Ruling—Trump WILL BE on the Ballot!
Dark City 2: World Economic Forum (2024 Trailer) [A Parody Which Reflects Reality] | WE in 5D: Before "The Matrix" There Was "Dark City" (1998). (Full Movie Linked in the Description Below)
ConsciouslyAWAKE with Her Qanon Novels — This Type of Behavior, By the Way, Sometimes Indicates Potential Mental Health Issues. Coherence-Lacking Displays are Also Immediately Removed. #GetGROUNDED
The Illuminati Tell Us of What They're Doing (Just as They're Supposed to as Per Universal Law So That We Can Consent by Doing Nothing as We Usually Do), They Carry Out Their Agenda, and They Succeed! Ready for a Change Yet?