1. John Hancock is born on this day in 1737 in Mass, Naples, Fl 2024

    John Hancock is born on this day in 1737 in Mass, Naples, Fl 2024

  2. (6 of 6) Jesus Was Born While Joseph Eats Chicken (Funny Newfie Nativity)

    (6 of 6) Jesus Was Born While Joseph Eats Chicken (Funny Newfie Nativity)

  3. Broly LOOK! Our lord and savior has been born

    Broly LOOK! Our lord and savior has been born

  4. Hulk Hogan Has Accepted Jesus Christ, And Now Is A Born Again Christian.

    Hulk Hogan Has Accepted Jesus Christ, And Now Is A Born Again Christian.

  5. Jesus REALLY is the reason for the season. Luke 2:11 Dec 5th, 2022 Wis

    Jesus REALLY is the reason for the season. Luke 2:11 Dec 5th, 2022 Wis

  6. “JESUS, NOT YOUR SAVIOUR,REMOVE ALL IMAGES OF JESUS CHRIST NOW”- CHINA GOVT ORDERS🕎John 4:22 “Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Israelites.”

    “JESUS, NOT YOUR SAVIOUR,REMOVE ALL IMAGES OF JESUS CHRIST NOW”- CHINA GOVT ORDERS🕎John 4:22 “Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Israelites.”

  7. The blessing of multitasking with work for Jesus Christ. May 20th, 2023

    The blessing of multitasking with work for Jesus Christ. May 20th, 2023

  8. Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God

    Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God

  9. Tradition with Catholicism is useless, you must be born again. 1/14/23

    Tradition with Catholicism is useless, you must be born again. 1/14/23

  10. It takes 22 months to be born again if you believe in Jesus Christ and you died...

    It takes 22 months to be born again if you believe in Jesus Christ and you died...

  11. The humility of Jesus in being born in a manger. 12/23/21

    The humility of Jesus in being born in a manger. 12/23/21
