Rally in Mississauga by the Muslim community against gender ideology being pushed on children. Speaker says “We need the Christian community, the Muslim community, and the Jewish community. All communities have to stand together on this!”
Openly calling for depopulation - John Kerry talks about how farming is creating too many carbon emissions and needs to be cut back. Yes, he wants to starve the world to “change the weather” These people are genocidal tyrants
This is what the real Humans do to support each other when shit gets tough! 16 year old girl Dazelle is fighting for her life in Australia, is being denied a life saving double lung transplant because she hasn’t had 4 COVID "Vaccines"
During last night’s Senate hearing into our COVID 19 Vaccine Discrimination Bill representatives from Moderna couldn’t provide the numbers of serious adverse reactions from their COVID mRNA injection.
Pfizer Caught Lying Again: Senator Gerard Rennick forced Pfizer to admit that they didn’t understand the mechanism by which the vaccine causes myocarditis & pericarditis. - Trust the $cience.
ARRC Seminar Series - Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz "These Covid Vaccines Are Nothing More Than Bio-Nano Machines, They Are Programmed And Then Injected Into The Body" - Graphene-based Plasmonic Nano-Antenna for Terahertz Band Communication in Nanonetwo