This is a crime against children, this is grooming, this is evil of the highest calibre. UN / WHO agenda 2030 Rutgers is funded by Gates. Based in Netherlands. «Vaxines» and «healthcare»
Peter Flaherty confronted Warren Buffet on his ties to Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein as the sheep crowd booed. He was subsequently arrested for speaking out.
Government officials and staff are either dangerously naive or intentionally collaborating with the Chinese government to gain power through foreign interference. This is a grave threat to democracy
TD Jakes | Why Did TD Jakes Team Up with Anthony Fauci to Push the COVID-19 Vaccines | Why Did TD Jakes Say, "Scientists Have Shown Us the Vaccines Are Over 90% Effective?"
Monkeypox | Medical Experts NOW Pushing Monkeypox Can Be Spread Via "Any high touch items like money, doorknobs, shopping carts, have the potential for monkeypox transmission." - Dr. Linda Yancey
#ArtificialIntelligence | "Medical Nanorobots, Little Robots That Are the Sized of Blood Cells That Finish the Job of the Immune System." - #RayKurzweil + "Adding to the Body a Second Immune System, Made Out of Millions of Tiny Nanorobots
Exactly what I'm thinkin when the other Video creators Wont talk about #BiodigitalConvergence #DigitalTwin #WBAN #VLC #Optogenetics #A.I.MachineLearning #PrecisionHealthcare #KillBox #SmartHome #5G-6G #Biosensors