Toxic Positivity Vs. REAL Positivity (Denial/Shadow Vs. Acceptance/Ascension): THE RIGHT WAY to Handle That Which You Don’t Like! — Wendy Kennedy | WE in 5D: Applying This Will Help w/ How You Vibrationally Respond to Videos You Dislike on My Channel.
EVEN Trump’s Comparably Establishment Friends Ask: WTF is He Doing? He Continues to Seek Establishment Approval Against His Own Better 5D Judgement! | WE in 5D Tip: He’s Pinned Between the Illuminati and Self-Serving Poor-Functioning “White Hats”.
Feminine = Creates, Masculine = Manifests—They are Energies You Work with in the Lower Dimensions, Which Also Manifests the Human as a ‘Gender’ Represented by One of the Two Energies. A Truth Being Manipulated by the Illuminati via Polarization.