1. [0055] PLANETARY TRAVELER (1997) VHS [INSPECT] [#planetarytraveler #planetarytravelerVHS]

    [0055] PLANETARY TRAVELER (1997) VHS [INSPECT] [#planetarytraveler #planetarytravelerVHS]

  2. VHShorts [0059] MEET THE PARENTS [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

    VHShorts [0059] MEET THE PARENTS [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

  3. [0058] LADY IN WHITE (1988) VHS [INSPECT] [#ladyinwhite #ladyinwhiteVHS]

    [0058] LADY IN WHITE (1988) VHS [INSPECT] [#ladyinwhite #ladyinwhiteVHS]

  4. VHShorts [0060] JOHN DENVER [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

    VHShorts [0060] JOHN DENVER [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

  5. [0057] CHILDREN OF THE CORN (1984) VHS [INSPECT] [#childrenofthecorn #childrenofthecornVHS]

    [0057] CHILDREN OF THE CORN (1984) VHS [INSPECT] [#childrenofthecorn #childrenofthecornVHS]

  6. [0059] HELLRAISER (1987) VHS [INSPECT] [#hellraiser #hellraiserVHS]

    [0059] HELLRAISER (1987) VHS [INSPECT] [#hellraiser #hellraiserVHS]

  7. VHShorts [0057] THOMAS THE TANK ENGINE [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

    VHShorts [0057] THOMAS THE TANK ENGINE [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

  8. VHShorts [0056] AMTRAK'S CALIFORNIA ZEPHYR [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

    VHShorts [0056] AMTRAK'S CALIFORNIA ZEPHYR [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

  9. [0056] THE EXORCIST (2000) VHS [INSPECT] [#theexorcist #theexorcistVHS]

    [0056] THE EXORCIST (2000) VHS [INSPECT] [#theexorcist #theexorcistVHS]

  10. [0044] JAMES O'BARR'S THE CROW (1998) Student Film VHS [INSPECT] [#jamesobarrsthecrow]

    [0044] JAMES O'BARR'S THE CROW (1998) Student Film VHS [INSPECT] [#jamesobarrsthecrow]

  11. VHShorts [0044] ONLY THE LONELY [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

    VHShorts [0044] ONLY THE LONELY [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

  12. VHShorts [0045] SEVEN [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

    VHShorts [0045] SEVEN [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

  13. [0045] HALLOWEEN - THE TRUTH BEHIND THE MASK (2000) Fan Film VHS [INSPECT] [#halloweenfanfilm]

    [0045] HALLOWEEN - THE TRUTH BEHIND THE MASK (2000) Fan Film VHS [INSPECT] [#halloweenfanfilm]

  14. VHShorts [0046] YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

    VHShorts [0046] YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

  15. [0046] SHEETS OF GORE - VOLUME TWO VHS [INSPECT] [#sheetsofgore2 #toddsheets #sheetsofgore2VHS]

    [0046] SHEETS OF GORE - VOLUME TWO VHS [INSPECT] [#sheetsofgore2 #toddsheets #sheetsofgore2VHS]

  16. [0043] SHEETS OF GORE - VOLUME ONE VHS [INSPECT] [#sheetsofgore #toddsheets #sheetsofgoreVHS]

    [0043] SHEETS OF GORE - VOLUME ONE VHS [INSPECT] [#sheetsofgore #toddsheets #sheetsofgoreVHS]

  17. VHShorts [0043] THE JUROR [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

    VHShorts [0043] THE JUROR [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

  18. VHShorts [0047] A FISTFUL OF DOLLARS [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

    VHShorts [0047] A FISTFUL OF DOLLARS [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

  19. [0047] MULVA - THE WHOLE SHITTY AFFAIR - VHS [INSPECT] [#mulva #mulva2 #mulvaVHS #mulva2VHS]

    [0047] MULVA - THE WHOLE SHITTY AFFAIR - VHS [INSPECT] [#mulva #mulva2 #mulvaVHS #mulva2VHS]

  20. VHShorts [0048] CRIMINAL LAW [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

    VHShorts [0048] CRIMINAL LAW [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

  21. VHShorts [0042] GHOSTBUSTERS [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

    VHShorts [0042] GHOSTBUSTERS [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

  22. VHShorts [0041] THE NATURAL [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

    VHShorts [0041] THE NATURAL [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

  23. VHShorts [0096] LIL' ABNER [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

    VHShorts [0096] LIL' ABNER [#shorts #theBACarchive #theVHSinspector]

  24. [0083] PLAGUE OF THE ZOMBIES (1966) VHS [INSPECT] [#plagueofthezombiesVHS #plagueofthezombies]

    [0083] PLAGUE OF THE ZOMBIES (1966) VHS [INSPECT] [#plagueofthezombiesVHS #plagueofthezombies]