1 year agoUnrestricted Access to Free Time- Humans are Weird - Short, Absurd, Science Fiction StoriesBetty Adams
1 year agoGiggling as a Danger Signal - Humans are Weird - Short, Absurd, Science Fiction StoriesBetty Adams
3 years agoBaby Frogo Seeds Floating in a Pond-You Know Spring is Here When The Frog Eggs Appear-Tuesday ShortsBetty Adams
1 year agoThere is a House - In New Orleans - They Call the Kitten Den - It's Stolen From a Sad ChihuahuaBetty Adams
4 years agoHumans are Weird - Seeds - Humans are Weird - I Have the Data - A Book of Human AbsurdityBetty Adams
1 year agoOptimus Prime's Face Moddled on Peter Cullen's Confirms TF ROTB Director Steven Capel JrBetty Adams
4 years agoThe Hunt Is On! Down on the Farm - Mamma Chicken Teaching Baby Chickens How to ChickenBetty Adams
11 months agoAkira Toriyama 1955-2024 - Thank you for four decades of laughter, absurdity, adventure, inspirationBetty Adams
4 years agoI'm So, So, Sorry, but the Muses Have Spoken-With All of the SPOILERS From "The Marshal" Baby KraytBetty Adams
4 years agoSURPRISE - Unboxing Video - Funny - Not a Formal Endorsement - A Lesson In Promoting Your ProductBetty Adams
3 years agoCougar Sighting Down Home on the Family Farm With Interspecies Protection DetailBetty Adams
2 years agoBook 3 Humans are Weird:Let's Work It Out- #shorts Absurd Scifi Stories-Monty Python Meets Star TrekBetty Adams
11 months agoFlying Sparks - A Novel - A Lost Boy, A Freak Storm, An Alien Warrior, Two Worlds CollidingBettyAdams