CDC Dep. Dir. Tom Shimabukuro Admits COVID Vaccines Are Causing "Debilitating Illnesses" "We are aware of these reports of people experiencing long-lasting health problems following COVID vaccination" #DamageControl
What a gross piece of propaganda. #FamilyGuy - This Is How They Are Attempting To Normalize The Next Time They Blame The Un-Injected For The Next "Varient"
A great filmmaker accompanied me everywhere with his camera for several months during my work in the EU Parliament. The result is the wonderful documentary "Fighting for Freedom", which I will present to the public soon.
healthcare worker was mandated to take Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine, 3 days later paralyzed from legs down, followed by severe convulsions and seizures, can no longer, clean, cook, drive a car, requires full-time caretaker, "i'm a prisoner in
The COVID "vaccines" made me question everything. I went back 30+ years in VAERS and was chilled by what I saw over and over again. - Was it really “SIDS” all these years or something else?
“I’m a 48 year old man, multiple blood clots in my lungs, ventricular tachycardia, wide spread vascular neuropathy, I require care takers to wash me, and cook for me. Before your vaccine, I had a successful career, I was healthy.
(SATAN HIMSELF) Gates’ visit to Australia was with representatives of the Gates Foundation his Breakthrough Energy company, which “drives innovation in sustainable energy and in technology to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”
World eminent Cardiologist Prof.Abdullah Alabdulgader calls for suspension of mRNA jab because of cardiac harm concerns - *President of The international congress for advanced cardiac sciences *Founder of Prince Sultan Cardiac Center/Saudi Arabia