3 months agoPeskov explained why Durov was not detained in Russia. “Terrorists use Telegram. But they also use cars. Why aren’t they arresting the CEO of Renault or Citroen?”teddolbi
6 months agoDestroy the old damaged car to make a Mercedes G63 AMG made of woodND - Woodworking ArtVerified
1 year agoSHOCKING! Hordes of Screaming Migrants Loaded in Train Cars Headed To America via Mexico!Truths UnlimitedVerified
1 year ago"Kei Cars" - but with a BIGGER engine and LHD (you can import into the US, 25 years old)CarConsumerAdvice
2 years agoA teen who ran his car into a mother and her 8-month-old son will spend 5 months at a "juvenile probation camp"The Post Millennial LiveVerified
2 months agoIn Florida residents cars were shut down remotely keeping them from evacuatingFree Your Mind Videos
1 month agoINSANE Black Woman Attacks An Uber Driver, Tosses Him Out Of The Car And Steals It In Lovely NYCNewsVids