4 months agoAsk the Doctor: Recovery after multiple shoulder dislocationsBetter Than Ever with Dr. David Geier
6 months agoAsk the Doctor: Developing arthritis after a fractureBetter Than Ever with Dr. David Geier
3 years agoChildren play with each other as doctor and patient and read children's books while happyKids cartoon
5 months agoAsk the Doctor: Timing of surgery for a patellar tendon ruptureBetter Than Ever with Dr. David Geier
7 months agoAsk the Doctor: Sternoclavicular dislocations that need surgeryBetter Than Ever with Dr. David Geier
6 months agoAsk the Doctor: Tibia fracture and time it takes to healBetter Than Ever with Dr. David Geier
6 months agoAsk the Doctor: Fifth metatarsal fracture and who needs surgeryBetter Than Ever with Dr. David Geier
4 months agoAsk the Doctor: Healing of a navicular stress fractureBetter Than Ever with Dr. David Geier
5 months agoAsk the Doctor: Clicking or popping in the shoulder or kneeBetter Than Ever with Dr. David Geier
3 months agoAsk the Doctor: Treatment for a grade 3 AC separationBetter Than Ever with Dr. David Geier