1. How do I know if Mistletoe IV would be beneficial?

    How do I know if Mistletoe IV would be beneficial?

  2. Does a daily Foot Bath affect my electrolytes?

    Does a daily Foot Bath affect my electrolytes?

  3. Any other guidance about the Lab result?

    Any other guidance about the Lab result?

  4. Do I stop taking my supplements 3 days prior?

    Do I stop taking my supplements 3 days prior?

  5. Diagnosed with low thyroid using a TSH test.

    Diagnosed with low thyroid using a TSH test.

  6. Would your new CBD product be good for this?

    Would your new CBD product be good for this?

  7. Is there any remedy for bone marrow injury?

    Is there any remedy for bone marrow injury?

  8. What can you do for loss of smell after a viral infection?

    What can you do for loss of smell after a viral infection?

  9. What can you do for loss of smell after a viral infection?

    What can you do for loss of smell after a viral infection?

  10. Is there specific Hormonal support with somebody with heavy cycles?

    Is there specific Hormonal support with somebody with heavy cycles?

  11. Are EMF waves less harmful than X-rays?

    Are EMF waves less harmful than X-rays?

  12. What is the best way to test for food sensitivities?

    What is the best way to test for food sensitivities?

  13. What are the best tests to run if I think I might have mold issues in my house?

    What are the best tests to run if I think I might have mold issues in my house?

  14. Issues with detoxing, What should I do?

    Issues with detoxing, What should I do?

  15. Are there any supplement interactions I need to be aware of?

    Are there any supplement interactions I need to be aware of?

  16. How long do I continue to take the homeopathic?

    How long do I continue to take the homeopathic?

  17. How do we determine what is driving our cancer?

    How do we determine what is driving our cancer?

  18. Pros and cons of different labs and testing.

    Pros and cons of different labs and testing.

  19. Will this also increase cancer stem cell production.

    Will this also increase cancer stem cell production.
