#14 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED - We DEMAND Senate Chairman Wendy Rogers Begin An Immediate Investigation Of The Information Presented At The February 23rd Election Meeting! JOIN The 1-CLICK Email All 110 Legislators & AZ Officials - Takes 2 Minutes!
THEY USE THE "POOR" COUNTRIES AS THEIR TEST BEDS! - C4IR | Impact On The Ground | How data laws are facilitating healthcare innovation in Rwanda | World Economic Forum
Greg Kelly | The Big Guy | Does the Big Guy Have a Big Problem? "It Will Happen Sometime Between Labor Day And Halloween. This Tape Will Be Made Public. Once It Is Heard."
Meat | Lab Grown Meat? | Why Did the USDA Approve the First 'Lab-Grown' Meat to Be Sold to the Public? | "Cultured-Meat Is the Only Practical Solution for the Problem of the Suffering of Domesticated Animals." - Yuval Noah Harari
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Aliens Are Here They Are Just Not from Outer Space. A.I., I Think It Stands for Alien Intelligence. It Solves Problems, Attains Goal In a Very Different & Alien Way from Human Beings. A.I. Came from Silicon Valley."