The Typically Smug Joy Behar DESTROYED By ANOTHER LIBERAL GUEST [of All Things] Who's Chosen to Speak REALITY Regardless Who He Supports—And She Wasn't Expecting It‼️
RFK Jr.: Call to Unity | WE in 5D: I Can’t Believe How Much He's Teaching the "Spiritual Community" That Loved Him So Much to Start With. I Mean I Can, But.. You Know!
GET TO KNOW YOUR SHERIFF. Cuz When You're Tired of This Crap This is What the Scene Looks Like—Not Because You Can't Do Better, But You Never Do. Humans Wait Til the Last Minute and Corner Themselves into the TOUGHEST Timelines. So, Be Ready!!
DeSantis NUKES Kamala After She Politicizes Hurricanes Against Him—She is IRRELEVANT in This Process [and in Any Process Over All, Except for (by Default) Waking Up Souls Still Functioning Under the Soulless Frequency of #TheBackfillPeople!]
Scott Pressler Shuts Down Becoming-More-Irrelevant Illuminati-Owned-Soul Hack-Reporter! | A Gay's Superpower When One Knows Thyself Well Enough to Sovereignly Reject The Egregorian Hive Mentality!
New Yorkers Praise President Trump Right in Front of Biden and Harris at 9/11 Memorial! + Sleepy-Joe Too Sleepy to Realize He Put on a MAGA Hat or is This Just Lost Humor?
Half Black/Puerto Rican Far-Left Wokeist Discovers and Learns That Her Ancestors Owned Slaves.. and That..... THAT'S LIFE and That's How it Goes (or at Least Went). Not That She Seems Ready for the Next Logical Step—MOVE ON.