CBDCs | "A Microchip Population In Which We Are Microchipped with Our Financial Details Our Medical Details. We've Got to Stop Beating About the Bush, Oh My Goodness, How Will They React?!" - David Icke
Great Reset | Explained by Carlson, Beck, Harari, King Charles: "Rewire Global Financial System," "Carbon Footprint Tracker," "Vast Military-Style Campaign," "Implanted Under Your Skin," "Mark of the Beast"
CBDCs | "FTX Was a CBDC Marketing Strategy. How Are You Going to Market Slavery?" - Catherine Austin Fitts + "What Is CBDC Actually Going to Look Like? It Will Be Implanted Under Your Skin." - Professor Werner
The Great Reset | Why Did Franklin D. Kramer State, "The Focus Is On the Internet of Bodies Involving Medical Implants and Other Kinds of Implants That Go Inside Your Body?"
The Great Reset | The Internet of Bodies & The Fourth Industrial Revolution Agenda Explained, “The Focus Is On the Internet of Bodies Involving Medical Implants and Other Kinds of Implants That Go Inside Your Body.”