1. The Amazing Aiza Filipina Illusionist Bends Rope with Her Mind!

    The Amazing Aiza Filipina Illusionist Bends Rope with Her Mind!

  2. Have Always Wanted to Lie on a Bed of Nails (Not for Younger Viewers)

    Have Always Wanted to Lie on a Bed of Nails (Not for Younger Viewers)

  3. The Essential Process of Healing Moving Beyond Positivity and Motivation

    The Essential Process of Healing Moving Beyond Positivity and Motivation

  4. Are Filipinas "Kuripot"? Sometimes a Negative Trait

    Are Filipinas "Kuripot"? Sometimes a Negative Trait

  5. Would You Want More Time or More Money with your Filipina Wife?

    Would You Want More Time or More Money with your Filipina Wife?

  6. Flashback-Paris 2016 with my Dream Filipina on a Dream Vacation

    Flashback-Paris 2016 with my Dream Filipina on a Dream Vacation

  7. The "Disorient Express" What a "Ride" in Branson Missouri

    The "Disorient Express" What a "Ride" in Branson Missouri

  8. Surviving the First Argument with Your Filipina Wive or Girlfriend

    Surviving the First Argument with Your Filipina Wive or Girlfriend